Thursday, September 05, 2013

Bars and Parties Around TIFF

blogTO has a listing of bars with extended hours for TIFF around the downtown core

as well as TIFF-related or themed parties during the festival:

Monday, September 02, 2013

Ticket Trades

Due to popular request, I've created a page for comments for ticket trades and sales. Only post here if you are willing to trade tickets, or sell for the value you paid for the ticket. Do not post here if you are simply looking for tickets or are trying to sell above face value; I will delete such comments to keep the number of comments under control and to prevent scalping. To try to minimize issues, this blog now no longer accepts anonymous comments; you must sign into Google to post.

For people selling, the most a premium ticket should be is $46 (that includes tax and $1/ticket service charge), and the most a regular ticket should be is $24.50 (that includes tax and $1/ticket service charge). If you find anyone selling for more, post a comment and I will try to delete the offending post when I have time.

Double check any ticket before accepting it; I would not accept an under-25 or senior ticket unless you obviously fit that demographic, otherwise you risk not being admitted.

Use the information here at your own risk; I do not know anyone who may be posting here. If you do trade or buy, make sure whatever you receive looks and feels like your own ticket. Do not accept vouchers, e-mail confirmations, or anything else other than an actual ticket, otherwise you're probably getting scammed. If you have any issues, there is nothing I nor the festival can do for you; you're on your own.

Note if you do post here, you should delete your comment once you have gotten rid of your ticket, so that you don't continue to get inquiries.

Some people have already posted trades to the off-sale page (you may have to go to the newest comments to see it).

Sunday, September 01, 2013

TIFF 2013 Ticket Pickup Starts Tomorrow, Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013 is the first day you can pick up your tickets for My Choice, TIFF Choice, and individual ticket purchases. Go to the Festival Box Office (or if you are a TIFF Member, you can go to the appropriate TIFF Member box office) to pick up your tickets.

If you have a My Choice or TIFF Choice package, you will need your pickup vouchers, reservation #, photo ID, and the purchasing credit card for verification. Note if you used senior or student pricing you will likely also need those IDs as well. In practice, they may only check your voucher and photo ID, but I'd recommend having the other items as well to avoid any issues. If you lost your voucher, then according to the festival website, they can only be replaced in-person on September 2, and you will need the above items (minus the vouchers).

If you want to exchange selections (provided your package allows it), you can also do those starting September 2 and up to 7:00 PM the evening before the screening you are exchanging. Note that not all package allow exchanges.

If you are not doing any exchanges, I would recommend that you do not show up at the box office first thing on the 2nd, as people making exchanges will likely be there, and those usually take a long time, so you'll be waiting in line for nothing.

If you bought a TIFF Choice package, you should receive an e-mail on September 2 outlining the films the festival has selected for you.

If you purchased a Back-Half or Daytime package, your selection window will start on September 2. If you want to see which films are already off sale, you can go the site now for individual tickets and see which ones are unavailable.

My experiences at the Toronto International Film Festival. Note this blog is not affiliated with the Toronto International Film Festival Group or the festival itself.
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