In case you wondering how to fill out an order form, consider an example where you want to see the film L'Annulaire at 3:30 PM on Friday, September 9th. The order form looks as follows:
First, write the number of tickets you want in the box labelled "1st" next to the name of the film. In this example, we want 2 tickets.
Next, highlight the name of the film with a yellow highlighter (you may have received one if you picked up a programme). Note the colour must be yellow.
Next, find a film around the same time that will be your backup choice if your first choice is already full when they get around to processing your order form. Note this step is optional. If you do not specify a backup film and your first choice is full, you will receive a coupon which you can redeem at a later date for another film at the festival.
In this example, Battle in Heaven will be the backup choice. Next to your backup film, write the number of tickets you want in the box labelled "2nd". In this example we still want 2 tickets.
Next, highlight the name of the backup film with a green highlighter. The colour must be green.
Your form should look as follows:
Repeat this process until you run out of coupons. For example, if you ordered a 10-coupon package, and you wanted 2 tickets for each film, you would select 5 1st choice films (5 films x 2 tickets = 10 coupons) and optionally, 5 2nd choice backups.
Note you must use a separate order form for each set of coupons you purchased. For example, if you bought a 10-coupon package and a 30-coupon package, you would need two order forms; in one form you'd pick 10 movies, and in the other form you'd pick 30. Some of the festival staff were not making this clear when handing out the programmes and order forms the other day. If you do not have enough order forms, simply pick up more at the processing centre, fill out your choices then and there, and then drop them off.
Don't forget to bring along your drop-off coupons with you when dropping off your completed forms. And make sure you keep your pick-up coupons; you will need them to retrieve your completed orders next Monday, September 5th.
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